Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women (SVECW), a higher-education institution set up exclusively for women students, provides an excellent opportunity to them for acquiring specific skills and knowledge, fostering their creativity and nurturing their innovative prowess leading to their intellectual development.

More information can be found at

Engineers Association for Road Safety Awareness (EARSA) was founded by Dr. Pala Gireesh Kumar, HOD Department of Civil Engineering in collaboration with DEEP (Driver Education and Enlightenment Program) in April 2021. The goal is to educate students and the community with regard to road and traffic safety. EARSA has completed one year after inception on April 21, 2022.

Also, EARSA is being assisted by KBR Foundation. The President of KBR Foundation is Mr. Ratnakar Reddy, a Civil Engineer from Bengaluru and the Managing Director of Infra Support Engineering Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru.

More information on KBR Foundation can be found at

VISION: The prime vision of SVECW EARSA is to drive the society towards a self-disciplined routine concerning road safety as a crucial aspect and students as the supreme movers so as to instigate well- disciplined and responsible future generations.


1.To promote driver and road safety factors among students
of schools and colleges.
2.To initiate awareness programs for public on the aspect of road safety
3.To honor and instigate the ROAD SAFETY WEEK in educational institutions.


a. Establishment of connections among educational institutions.
b. Initiation of awareness programs (virtual & offline).
c. Inter School Competitions collaborations with Public Sectors socializing and Hash tagging with follow-ups.
e. Timely release of monthly articles, quarterly newsletters and
magazines annually. 

Dr. Pala is the mentor and assists in recruiting student volunteers from the colleges different branches of engineering to encourage community work and improve the quality of life within the community.h



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